
Retrace the steps of this catalog

Let’s recall how we got to where we now are, how we can look at the jour­ney in its entire­ty, and how we can estab­lish a launch pad for what comes next…

Our inten­tion with this cat­a­log is: to rec­og­nize uni­ver­sal truths as a moti­vat­ing force for doing good on this Earth, to drum up end­less ways to prac­tice grat­i­tude for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to exist…to align our inten­tions, words, and actions with com­pas­sion­ate, help­ful allies in the nat­ur­al and spir­i­tu­al worlds…to uni­fy insights by jour­ney­ing deep­er with­in our­selves and far­ther into the uni­verse than we’ve ever gone…to depart from entrenched, waste­ful par­a­digms and embrace a new meta-par­a­digm of pos­i­tive, prob­a­bilis­tic innovation…and, ulti­mate­ly, to rebuild soci­ety around sus­tain­able, regen­er­a­tive, and cre­ative­ly-cycli­cal prin­ci­ples and patterns.

One of the major impli­ca­tions of explor­ing a whole-sys­tems approach to inno­va­tion is the real­iza­tion that eth­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tions must be a core com­po­nent of all of civilization’s activ­i­ty. To avoid falling away from our core human­i­ty, inno­va­tion for indus­try, econ­o­my, edu­ca­tion, and health­care must be approached from a per­spec­tive of empa­thy and kind­ness. The bet­ter we treat our­selves, the bet­ter we treat the world around us.

In the next decades, inno­va­tion will be about: com­bin­ing prob­a­bilis­tic ana­lyt­ics with altered cog­ni­tive pat­terns, using anthro­po­log­i­cal and evo­lu­tion­ary the­o­ries to cre­ate prob­a­bilis­tic nar­ra­tives, and employ­ing dynam­ic solu­tions to encour­age the cre­ation of a post-growth world in which col­lec­tive con­scious­ness leads the charge. We believe that the shift to this altered state is already com­ing into exis­tence. We are ener­gized to be a part of this ear­ly phase of  evo­lu­tion­ary tran­si­tion, but we are not sat­is­fied with our cur­rent rate of progress. We should ask more of our­selves, and become bet­ter at giv­ing. After all, there’s always more to do.

By mov­ing beyond the men­tal­i­ty of “faster, stronger, cheap­er” and adopt­ing slow-mov­ing, slow-think­ing prin­ci­ples and prac­tices, human inge­nu­ity can thrive once we find a less clut­tered path to joy­ous liv­ing. In this enlight­ened future, fruits of labor will reflect an inte­gra­tion of elab­o­rate, unquan­tifi­able prop­er­ties. Human endeav­or will chan­nel our col­lec­tive unrest into coun­cils for change. From now into the next gen­er­a­tion, we will co-cre­ate inno­v­a­tive arti­facts that nour­ish the soul.

We can begin to re-approach the idea of growth, redesign­ing how we define the terms to incor­po­rate the well­be­ing of the plan­et into this eco­nom­ic phi­los­o­phy. Human­i­ty can then begin to mature from our cur­rent state of infan­cy, into a more fear­less mode where we con­front chal­lenges with­out becom­ing stuck by old, worn-out men­tal and emo­tion­al patterns.

We will over­come ugly out­bursts of big­otry and vio­lence that have become so preva­lent in the West­ern world. The response will hinge upon sum­mon­ing inter­nal love and com­pas­sion to dri­ve our deci­sions. Embrac­ing a ris­ing aware­ness and over­all awak­en­ing, human­i­ty will begin to grasp the con­nect­ed­ness that exists between all. We will begin to bet­ter iden­ti­fy our indi­vid­ual tasks for life at the soul lev­el and we will bet­ter see how to uplift the mem­bers of our communities.

Ulti­mate­ly, we will dis­cov­er the paths nec­es­sary to achieve bold changes. First, com­ing to terms with our inher­ent, and inher­it­ed, pasts, and final­ly arriv­ing at a place of self-empow­er­ment through the dis­cov­ery of our innate truth in rela­tion to all else.

The jour­ney of liv­ing through con­tin­u­ous self-exam­i­na­tion will open chan­nels to greater reflec­tion and trans­for­ma­tion. This will also work as a means of rem­e­dy­ing errors and heal­ing gen­er­a­tional trau­mas. Humans will learn to apply the pow­er of for­give­ness to evolve with everyone’s best inter­est at heart.

We will pro-active­ly locate well­springs for future solu­tions by acti­vat­ing our own indi­vid­ual poten­tials. And, to pro­pel the jour­ney beyond space and time, we will learn to access pre­vi­ous­ly invis­i­ble states of real­i­ty with a renewed open­ness of sight that the pre­vi­ous indus­tri­al age had slow­ly whit­tled away. The new indus­tri­al age will be one of inno­v­a­tive indus­tri­ous­ness with rev­er­ence for life.

And what if all this is total­ly off? That’s a risk we are more than will­ing to embrace. It’s entire­ly pos­si­ble every­thing we’ve writ­ten here is wrong, or at least par­tial­ly incor­rect. But we believe in the humil­i­ty of not claim­ing to have all the answers for how indi­vid­u­als should car­ry forth. Rather, what we’ve done in the pre­vi­ous sec­tions is to focus our atten­tion on the top­ics and ques­tions we believe are shap­ing our future in a pos­i­tive manner.

And, in con­duct­ing our research, we are hum­bled beyond mea­sure. The great­est expe­ri­ence of humil­i­ty aris­es in the con­text of Almighty Nature. We can feel this when we think of the “overview effect”, the sen­sa­tion expe­ri­enced by astro­nauts when they’ve observed our plan­et from space. Some day we hope that we all can sum­mon this feel­ing of awe and epiphany in our own lives with­out ever hav­ing to leave the planet.

There is still much to relearn, to hon­or, to look back on for the knowl­edge of how best to address the tri­als and tribu­la­tions of today. It would be near­ly impos­si­ble to sur­vive with­out the knowl­edge of the ancient tra­di­tions and wis­dom of peo­ple who walked this Earth thou­sands of years ago. We need to bet­ter sup­port and cel­e­brate the nat­ur­al world. We need to learn from every liv­ing thing, past and present, we can in order to see the prop­er way forward.

And yet, the very com­mu­ni­ties that have been most mar­gin­al­ized by indus­tri­al­iza­tion are the com­mu­ni­ties this world needs to learn from most. While humans have learned how to trav­el across this enor­mous globe with ease, we still have yet to col­lec­tive­ly under­stand the impor­tance of know­ing how to exist with­in a place over the span of generations.

As a final note to take with you wher­ev­er you go, we want to think not only about humanity’s dar­ing moon­shots to come, but also about what pos­si­ble Earth­shots we can give greater con­sid­er­a­tion to today.

We believe that the more we explore our inner-spaces, the more we will come to under­stand, and con­nect, with the fur­thest reach­es of outer-space.

Let’s begin all over again wher­ev­er we are in this very moment. Acknowl­edge that all mat­ter is a mat­ter of ener­gy and that every being exists at var­i­ous states of vibra­tion. And see that all mat­ter is also unique in its own space. Atoms them­selves nev­er actu­al­ly touch because there is always space in between. Yet, we can feel the ener­gy that draws mat­ter togeth­er. We feel res­o­nance with all that shares a sim­i­lar fre­quen­cy. Think of voic­es in har­mo­ny, a sym­pho­ny of sound res­onat­ing at the fre­quen­cy of pure creation…

Our phys­i­cal bod­ies have lay­ers of ener­gy, in addi­tion to our emo­tion­al lay­ers. We have lay­ers of wis­dom and we have a vibra­tional fre­quen­cy that cor­re­sponds to coher­ence of place and pur­pose. The Earth has these lay­ers as well, places in which states of ener­gy are increased. In our own bod­ies we call these areas chakras. The Earth has chakras too. And, as we learn to nav­i­gate through­out our own ener­gy fields, as well as around those of the Earth and the cos­mos beyond, we will learn to reveal impor­tant insights which are oth­er­wise invis­i­ble. We will devel­op greater bal­ance with­in our­selves and with oth­ers. And, most vital of all, we will come into greater con­nec­tion with the essen­tial envi­ron­ments we depend on for life.

Our wish for human­i­ty and the world(s) in which we live is that one day all peo­ple will be able to live sus­tain­ably in a glob­al com­mu­ni­ty that hon­ors and sup­ports all inter-con­nect­ed species through regen­er­a­tive heal­ing and cre­ative coop­er­a­tion. As a means for fos­ter­ing this kind of uplift­ing future, we believe in the capac­i­ty for inno­va­tion to be an inte­gra­tive prac­tice for sourc­ing and alchem­iz­ing inter-dimen­sion­al ele­ments of the quan­tum holo­gram (a com­plete account of every­thing that has ever been, is, or will be across any dis­tance of space or time).

While human igno­rance pre­vents us from access­ing this com­pre­hen­sive domain, the shift in human con­scious­ness that is cur­rent­ly under­way will result in our abil­i­ty to engage this insight­ful well of wis­dom in due time. We just have to stay patient and con­tin­ue doing the nec­es­sary work.

We wish to build a vir­tu­ous, ele­gant, and inte­gra­tive sys­tem for agile trans­for­ma­tion that rever­ber­ates with uncon­di­tion­al love for life. By explor­ing tools and ideas that can guide us toward this goal, we will syn­chro­nous­ly open up the time­less tra­di­tion of inno­va­tion and evolve as a species toward a place where we can tru­ly hon­or our dynam­ic place with­in the universe.


PCH is the road that represents our perspective

From Los Ange­les to Berlin, PCH extends from sea­side stretch­es of asphalt to an idea about inno­va­tion as an infi­nite journey.

The idea for PCH Inno­va­tions sparked in Mal­ibu, Cal­i­for­nia, 1994—in the process of design­ing and engi­neer­ing new phas­es in auto­mo­tive abil­i­ty and iden­ti­ty. Borne of opti­mism and rebel­lion, we oper­ate at the inter­sec­tion of art, sci­ence, and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, and on the line between the ratio­nal and the irrational.

We are a mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary, inno­va­tion strat­e­gy, and tech­nol­o­gy devel­op­ment stu­dio. Our col­lec­tive enter­prise is a melt­ing pot of per­spec­tives sourced from Mar­seille to Por­to, Lon­don to Tori­no, and, most con­cen­trat­ed­ly, the transat­lantic cul­tur­al con­nec­tion of our sites in Berlin and Los Ange­les. The tal­ents of our team fuel us to cre­ate unusu­al and inspir­ing insights into in-depth research, unique­ly designed and engi­neered con­cepts, as well as to con­struct high-fideli­ty dig­i­tal and phys­i­cal pro­to­types. Our curios­i­ty dri­ves us to uncov­er new prin­ci­ples by which we can change how we live and work.

Our cur­rent focus is relat­ed to gen­er­at­ing inte­gra­tive solu­tions through 2025. Some of these con­cepts include: par­tic­i­pa­tive digi-phys­i­cal instal­la­tions, brain-com­put­er-inter­faces, pneu­mat­ic and auto­mat­ed retail sys­tems, dri­ver­less eco-sys­tems, non-sta­t­ic and shape-shift­ing struc­tures, col­lab­o­ra­tive robot­ic work­sta­tions, as well as vir­tu­al and aug­ment­ed real­i­ty appli­ca­tions to rethink retail, design, and devel­op­ment processes.

We con­cern our­selves with the imma­te­r­i­al as much as the mate­r­i­al. Our ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tion into the ele­gance and com­plex­i­ty of con­scious­ness under­pins much of our foun­da­tion­al world­view. We believe that fur­ther research into this unknown field will ulti­mate­ly yield trans­for­ma­tive knowl­edge on a scale as yet unseen. As a com­pa­ny touch­ing var­i­ous indus­tries, we’re con­stant­ly ques­tion­ing and rethink­ing how to derive sus­tain­able and scal­able solu­tions to with­stand an uncer­tain world.

This cat­a­log was com­piled between two cities: here near the coast of Los Ange­les, Cal­i­for­nia, and in Berlin, in a for­mer East Ger­man kinder­garten. Our stu­dios explore aware­ness, account­abil­i­ty, heal­ing, and renew­al in a world marred by con­flict. In our work between Berlin and Los Ange­les, dis­cus­sion con­stant­ly stems from inspir­ing exam­ples of pio­neer­ing inge­nu­ity and the desire to rec­on­cile the dis­so­nance of mod­ern life.

PCH part­ner network

Creating social prototypes

Bil­lion­aires don’t make the world a bet­ter place. Restora­tive visions, com­mu­ni­ty, and col­lec­tive effort do.

We think the time is right to pre­pare for an impend­ing eco­nom­ic over­haul. What if all com­pa­nies decid­ed to lim­it their growth and use all of their prof­its for social and envi­ron­men­tal repair? Assum­ing com­pa­nies don’t do this vol­un­tar­i­ly, how might reg­u­la­to­ry sys­tems apply this kind of change? What if we rearrange the econ­o­my entire­ly so that prof­it is not baked into the sys­tem? What if the econ­o­my ensured that we man­age wealth as fair­ly and sus­tain­ably as pos­si­ble? Regard­less of what pre­cip­i­tates it, change is coming.

There are count­less unex­plored pos­si­bil­i­ties for how indi­vid­u­als and col­lec­tives can live and work. Some of those frame­works are sure­ly bet­ter than what we have today. Our instinct is that incen­tiviz­ing social prototypes—meaning ver­sions of social orga­ni­za­tion that resolve the issues of con­ven­tion­al soci­etal fragmentation—will help us dis­cov­er alter­na­tive liv­ing pat­terns with incred­i­ble advan­tages for health and har­mo­ny. Plan­ning and exe­cut­ing these pro­to­types will require cross-dis­ci­pli­nary teams and spe­cial­ists from non-tra­di­tion­al, and even unestab­lished, fields.

The pri­or­i­ties out­lined in our PCH crew let­ter occur with­in the con­text of our posi­tion­ing of our­selves as a stu­dio for inno­va­tion. This is our social pro­to­type: a micro­cosm of peo­ple col­lab­o­rat­ing through imag­i­na­tion and inven­tion. Those in oth­er indus­tries have an entire­ly dif­fer­ent col­lec­tion of fac­tors to con­sid­er and their wish­list for new ways to live or work might ulti­mate­ly look very dif­fer­ent than ours. We encour­age every­one to imag­ine their own rad­i­cal alter­na­tives to their own lives that could coa­lesce into soci­ety-wide transformation.

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