Retrace the steps of this catalog
Let’s recall how we got to where we now are, how we can look at the journey in its entirety, and how we can establish a launch pad for what comes next…
Our intention with this catalog is: to recognize universal truths as a motivating force for doing good on this Earth, to drum up endless ways to practice gratitude for the opportunity to exist…to align our intentions, words, and actions with compassionate, helpful allies in the natural and spiritual worlds…to unify insights by journeying deeper within ourselves and farther into the universe than we’ve ever gone…to depart from entrenched, wasteful paradigms and embrace a new meta-paradigm of positive, probabilistic innovation…and, ultimately, to rebuild society around sustainable, regenerative, and creatively-cyclical principles and patterns.
One of the major implications of exploring a whole-systems approach to innovation is the realization that ethical considerations must be a core component of all of civilization’s activity. To avoid falling away from our core humanity, innovation for industry, economy, education, and healthcare must be approached from a perspective of empathy and kindness. The better we treat ourselves, the better we treat the world around us.
In the next decades, innovation will be about: combining probabilistic analytics with altered cognitive patterns, using anthropological and evolutionary theories to create probabilistic narratives, and employing dynamic solutions to encourage the creation of a post-growth world in which collective consciousness leads the charge. We believe that the shift to this altered state is already coming into existence. We are energized to be a part of this early phase of evolutionary transition, but we are not satisfied with our current rate of progress. We should ask more of ourselves, and become better at giving. After all, there’s always more to do.
By moving beyond the mentality of “faster, stronger, cheaper” and adopting slow-moving, slow-thinking principles and practices, human ingenuity can thrive once we find a less cluttered path to joyous living. In this enlightened future, fruits of labor will reflect an integration of elaborate, unquantifiable properties. Human endeavor will channel our collective unrest into councils for change. From now into the next generation, we will co-create innovative artifacts that nourish the soul.
We can begin to re-approach the idea of growth, redesigning how we define the terms to incorporate the wellbeing of the planet into this economic philosophy. Humanity can then begin to mature from our current state of infancy, into a more fearless mode where we confront challenges without becoming stuck by old, worn-out mental and emotional patterns.
We will overcome ugly outbursts of bigotry and violence that have become so prevalent in the Western world. The response will hinge upon summoning internal love and compassion to drive our decisions. Embracing a rising awareness and overall awakening, humanity will begin to grasp the connectedness that exists between all. We will begin to better identify our individual tasks for life at the soul level and we will better see how to uplift the members of our communities.
Ultimately, we will discover the paths necessary to achieve bold changes. First, coming to terms with our inherent, and inherited, pasts, and finally arriving at a place of self-empowerment through the discovery of our innate truth in relation to all else.
The journey of living through continuous self-examination will open channels to greater reflection and transformation. This will also work as a means of remedying errors and healing generational traumas. Humans will learn to apply the power of forgiveness to evolve with everyone’s best interest at heart.
We will pro-actively locate wellsprings for future solutions by activating our own individual potentials. And, to propel the journey beyond space and time, we will learn to access previously invisible states of reality with a renewed openness of sight that the previous industrial age had slowly whittled away. The new industrial age will be one of innovative industriousness with reverence for life.
And what if all this is totally off? That’s a risk we are more than willing to embrace. It’s entirely possible everything we’ve written here is wrong, or at least partially incorrect. But we believe in the humility of not claiming to have all the answers for how individuals should carry forth. Rather, what we’ve done in the previous sections is to focus our attention on the topics and questions we believe are shaping our future in a positive manner.
And, in conducting our research, we are humbled beyond measure. The greatest experience of humility arises in the context of Almighty Nature. We can feel this when we think of the “overview effect”, the sensation experienced by astronauts when they’ve observed our planet from space. Some day we hope that we all can summon this feeling of awe and epiphany in our own lives without ever having to leave the planet.
There is still much to relearn, to honor, to look back on for the knowledge of how best to address the trials and tribulations of today. It would be nearly impossible to survive without the knowledge of the ancient traditions and wisdom of people who walked this Earth thousands of years ago. We need to better support and celebrate the natural world. We need to learn from every living thing, past and present, we can in order to see the proper way forward.
And yet, the very communities that have been most marginalized by industrialization are the communities this world needs to learn from most. While humans have learned how to travel across this enormous globe with ease, we still have yet to collectively understand the importance of knowing how to exist within a place over the span of generations.
As a final note to take with you wherever you go, we want to think not only about humanity’s daring moonshots to come, but also about what possible Earthshots we can give greater consideration to today.
We believe that the more we explore our inner-spaces, the more we will come to understand, and connect, with the furthest reaches of outer-space.
Let’s begin all over again wherever we are in this very moment. Acknowledge that all matter is a matter of energy and that every being exists at various states of vibration. And see that all matter is also unique in its own space. Atoms themselves never actually touch because there is always space in between. Yet, we can feel the energy that draws matter together. We feel resonance with all that shares a similar frequency. Think of voices in harmony, a symphony of sound resonating at the frequency of pure creation…
Our physical bodies have layers of energy, in addition to our emotional layers. We have layers of wisdom and we have a vibrational frequency that corresponds to coherence of place and purpose. The Earth has these layers as well, places in which states of energy are increased. In our own bodies we call these areas chakras. The Earth has chakras too. And, as we learn to navigate throughout our own energy fields, as well as around those of the Earth and the cosmos beyond, we will learn to reveal important insights which are otherwise invisible. We will develop greater balance within ourselves and with others. And, most vital of all, we will come into greater connection with the essential environments we depend on for life.
Our wish for humanity and the world(s) in which we live is that one day all people will be able to live sustainably in a global community that honors and supports all inter-connected species through regenerative healing and creative cooperation. As a means for fostering this kind of uplifting future, we believe in the capacity for innovation to be an integrative practice for sourcing and alchemizing inter-dimensional elements of the quantum hologram (a complete account of everything that has ever been, is, or will be across any distance of space or time).
While human ignorance prevents us from accessing this comprehensive domain, the shift in human consciousness that is currently underway will result in our ability to engage this insightful well of wisdom in due time. We just have to stay patient and continue doing the necessary work.
We wish to build a virtuous, elegant, and integrative system for agile transformation that reverberates with unconditional love for life. By exploring tools and ideas that can guide us toward this goal, we will synchronously open up the timeless tradition of innovation and evolve as a species toward a place where we can truly honor our dynamic place within the universe.
PCH is the road that represents our perspective
From Los Angeles to Berlin, PCH extends from seaside stretches of asphalt to an idea about innovation as an infinite journey.
The idea for PCH Innovations sparked in Malibu, California, 1994—in the process of designing and engineering new phases in automotive ability and identity. Borne of optimism and rebellion, we operate at the intersection of art, science, and spirituality, and on the line between the rational and the irrational.
We are a multi-disciplinary, innovation strategy, and technology development studio. Our collective enterprise is a melting pot of perspectives sourced from Marseille to Porto, London to Torino, and, most concentratedly, the transatlantic cultural connection of our sites in Berlin and Los Angeles. The talents of our team fuel us to create unusual and inspiring insights into in-depth research, uniquely designed and engineered concepts, as well as to construct high-fidelity digital and physical prototypes. Our curiosity drives us to uncover new principles by which we can change how we live and work.
Our current focus is related to generating integrative solutions through 2025. Some of these concepts include: participative digi-physical installations, brain-computer-interfaces, pneumatic and automated retail systems, driverless eco-systems, non-static and shape-shifting structures, collaborative robotic workstations, as well as virtual and augmented reality applications to rethink retail, design, and development processes.
We concern ourselves with the immaterial as much as the material. Our ongoing investigation into the elegance and complexity of consciousness underpins much of our foundational worldview. We believe that further research into this unknown field will ultimately yield transformative knowledge on a scale as yet unseen. As a company touching various industries, we’re constantly questioning and rethinking how to derive sustainable and scalable solutions to withstand an uncertain world.
This catalog was compiled between two cities: here near the coast of Los Angeles, California, and in Berlin, in a former East German kindergarten. Our studios explore awareness, accountability, healing, and renewal in a world marred by conflict. In our work between Berlin and Los Angeles, discussion constantly stems from inspiring examples of pioneering ingenuity and the desire to reconcile the dissonance of modern life.