Unify is a call to action. It indicates a desire to bridge the divides that cause harmful separations between people and planet. We choose the word unify for this section, instead of unity, because we want to emphasize the importance of this action being a verb—a process of continual motion—rather than a static noun.
We want to summon the power of belonging. We want to underscore that notion of everything in existence having a place and purpose. We are interested in pursuing the action of unification as a way to honor and harmonize important differences. We endorse working toward a loving and sustainable strategy for enhancing every type of ecosystem for the betterment of life on our planet.
As a means for collective uplift, we are motivated by the unification of heart, mind, and soul in the individual. This pursuit reminds us of the Jungian archetypal notion of the self, the idea of a unification of consciousness and unconsciousness representing the psyche as a whole. This type of holistic conceptualization is what we seek to expand awareness around in these pages.