Depart Knowledge of Self

Trace the Hero’s Journey for Humanity

The phrase “the hero’s jour­ney” was pop­u­lar­ized by Joseph Camp­bell who employed it to describe a nar­ra­tive motif he repeat­ed­ly found through­out var­i­ous mytholo­gies. The jour­ney has three parts: Depar­ture (on the jour­ney / call to action), Ful­fill­ment (of the quest / acquir­ing knowl­edge), and Return (home or back to one’s peo­ple, with a renewed sense of how to improve life).

“Every sto­ry is a trav­el sto­ry – a spa­tial prac­tice.” — Michel de Certeau, The Prac­tice of Every­day Life

In The Hero with a Thou­sand Faces, Joseph Camp­bell looks to myths from around the world, and ear­ly writ­ten his­to­ry, in order to trace a com­mon struc­ture to bet­ter under­stand the human dri­ve. His work revealed how the major­i­ty of sto­ries that are passed down through gen­er­a­tions con­tain a cen­tral char­ac­ter who can be seen as the story’s arche­typ­al hero.

Camp­bell found that each of these arche­typ­al heroes go through a trans­for­ma­tive jour­ney. Whether its Odysseus’ return home from war, or the sto­ry of Jesus, Bud­dha, or Mohammed being for­ev­er changed by the wis­dom they received from a spir­i­tu­al source, the jour­ney itself reflects a depar­ture from all pre­vi­ous stan­dards, and sig­nals entry into the unknown.

In his book, Camp­bell explains the nature of the mon­o­myth, in which, “A hero ven­tures forth from the world of com­mon day into a region of super­nat­ur­al won­der: fab­u­lous forces are there encoun­tered and a deci­sive vic­to­ry is won: the hero comes back from this mys­te­ri­ous adven­ture with the pow­er to bestow boons on his fel­low man.” 1977’s mega-hit, Star Wars, helped pop­u­lar­ize the notion of the hero’s jour­ney. Film­mak­er George Lucas has acknowl­edged the impor­tance of Campbell’s work in inter­views, cit­ing Camp­bell as a con­stant inspi­ra­tion in real­iz­ing the film’s char­ac­ters, its uni­verse, and the cen­tral theme of the bat­tle between good and evil, light and dark. In fact, so strong was the cor­re­la­tion between Lucas’ sto­ry and Campbell’s orig­i­nal text, that the third print­ing of Campbell’s book fea­tured a pho­to of Mark Hamill as Luke Sky­walk­er on its cov­er. This only helped to fur­ther insert the idea of the hero’s jour­ney into the col­lec­tive consciousness.

We feel it’s time to explore how the hero’s jour­ney can be applied as a way of look­ing at humanity’s evo­lu­tion. How we too are cur­rent­ly on a col­lec­tive jour­ney, and how it is now our time to step up to the demand for change. It’s our time to respond to the greater call for action across our species.

“The Sto­ry of Buddha”
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