
From our cat­a­log to arti­fact, these items reflect the inter­ests, inten­tions, and ideas guid­ing PCH Innovations…

Apollo Research Fields Map 2020 This map depicts the areas of inquiry from an inter­nal project called Apol­lo: a jour­ney to the lead­ing edge of con­scious­ness; where spir­i­tu­al pos­si­bil­i­ty, human poten­tial, sci­en­tif­ic rig­or, and sus­tain­able liv­ing con­verge toward an inte­grat­ed and uplift­ing real­iza­tion of per­son­al, soci­etal, and plan­e­tary trans­for­ma­tion. PCH focus­es its Apol­lo research on five main fields and–150 sub fields–where we sense rel­e­vant solu­tions requir­ing a shift in approach and attitude.
Apollo Research Fields Map LSD 2020 This ver­sion of PCH’s Apol­lo Research Map was inter­pret­ed and illus­trat­ed by Philipp Wes­sel­mann in 2019.
Apollo Research Fields Map LSD 2020 (animated) This ver­sion of PCH’s Apol­lo Research Map was inter­pret­ed and illus­trat­ed by Philipp Wes­sel­mann in 2019.
Apollo Wall Map 2019 Apol­lo — A jour­ney to the lead­ing edge of con­scious­ness – where spir­i­tu­al pos­si­bil­i­ty, human poten­tial, sci­en­tif­ic rig­or, machine capa­bil­i­ties and sus­tain­able being con­verge toward an inte­grat­ed & uplift­ing real­iza­tion of per­son­al, social and plan­e­tary transformation.
Letter to our Crew 2018 We wrote this let­ter to our team in Feb­ru­ary 2019, with the inten­tion to pro­vide clar­i­ty on our run­ning efforts around a work-stream we called ‘Into the Unknown’, and to share some impres­sions on how this work could grad­u­al­ly guide us toward a poten­tial re-posi­tion­ing of our company.
PCH Innovation Process 2017 This map depicts PCH’s Inno­va­tion Process, as con­veyed in 2017.
New Reverence Movie 2017 ‘New Rev­er­ence’ is a nar­ra­tive sum­ma­ry of our col­lec­tive world­view. It speaks to the numer­ous crises afflict­ing glob­al soci­ety and our desire to piv­ot from inno­va­tion for growth to inno­va­tion for regen­er­a­tion. Inspired by evolv­ing human achieve­ment, but painful­ly aware of the dam­age humans inflict, it is a call to move for­ward with humil­i­ty, respon­si­bil­i­ty and respect; work­ing togeth­er to cre­ate a world we can be proud to call home.
New Reverence Script 2017 Read the New Rev­er­ence Script here.
Transforma 2012 A jour­ney into the trans­for­ma­tion decade 2013–2023